Die Mennonitische Post – A German Newsletter for Low German-speaking Mennonites in the Americas. Published 21 times a year. Die Mennonitische Post – Eine deutsche Zeitschrift für plattdeutsche Mennoniten in…
Open LinkThe purpose of this guide is to provide service providers with information and cultural and historical context about Low German Speaking (LGS) Mennonites in southwestern Ontario. It also includes recommendations…
Open FileUpdated in 2012, Mennonites in Ontario remains the best introduction to the myriad Amish and Mennonite groups in Ontario. By M. Epp, Waterloo: Mennonite Historical Society of Ontario, 2012. May…
Open LinkThe purpose of this theoretical study is to call into question the popular and largely uncontested ideas of social inclusion and exclusion. In this paper, Luann Good Gingrich examines the…
Open Link(L.G. Gingrich). Chapter 1 in Emerging Perspectives on Anti-Oppressive Practice (Wes Shera, editor). Available for order online.
Open LinkMennonites in Canada is the definitive history of the Mennonite experience in Canada, spanning a period of nearly two centuries. More information about these volumes can be found here. Mennonites…
Open LinkThis paper reports a study developing a theory that describes the process by which mothers of children at-risk engage with public health nurses and family visitors in a blended home…
Open LinkThis report provides some insight and knowledge into the Kanadier Mennonites, a religious group in Alberta, Canada, for whom very little is known in regard to their health seeking behaviors….
Open LinkAvailable through Old Colony Mennonite Support PO Box Office 150 Nappanee, IN 46550 tel 574.773.2565
In this video, learn essential tips on how to protect your personal information and make smart decisions about when and with whom to share it. Presented in Low German. Part…
In this video, learn essential tips on how to protect your personal information and make smart decisions about when and with whom to share it. Presented in Low German. Part…
by J, Kulig & B. Hall
Open LinkThe aim of this international study was to develop a valid and reliable psychometric measure to examine the extent to which parents’ attitudes about engaging in twice-daily tooth brushing and…
Open LinkThis video clearly explains the concept of consent in Canada to your Low German-speaking clients, helping them understand the importance of giving permission and the need for a signature to…
These storybooks are written at a very basic English level and reflect Low German Mennonite life and culture. They are available for purchase from: Haldimand-Norfolk Literacy Council. 519.428.0064. …
Welcoming students and their families takes some preparation. This guide is a general strategy that can be implemented over time and adapted to your school’s specific circumstances, resources and needs.
Open FileLow German-speaking Mennonites are one group within the large spectrum of Mennonites. To learn more about Mennonites, visit this site.
Open LinkPlease take this quick survey when you are finished! We appreciate your feedback: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/LGMentalHealthVideo
The Global Mennonite History Series consists of five volumes of history, one from each continental region. Writers from each region trace the origins, development and mission of the Anabaptist-related churches…
This four volume series can be purchased through Amazon and other online retailers. Volume 1: Land, Piety, Peoplehood: The Establishment of Mennonite Communities in America, 1683-1790. (R. K. MacMaster), 1985….
Waa es een Anabaptistischa Christ (written in Low German)
Open LinkThe history of the Russian Mennonites: their origin, development, persecution, displacement, and dispersal. By Adina Reger and Delbert Plett.
Open LinkJosef Stoll (written in Low German)
Open LinkThrough Fire and Water presents the Mennonite faith story within the sweep of church history. This engaging text uses stories of men and women, peasants and pastors, heroes and rascals,…
Open Linkby K. L. Fast
Open FileJeschichten von de Anabaptisten Martiera Enjlisch – Plautdietsch Utgow fa Schiela – Josef Stoll Low German and English version Low German and Spanish version
A searchable online resource © 2013 by Loren Koehler and Ed Zacharias
Open LinkA publication of the Mennonite Heritage Archives and the Centre for MB Studies in Canada.
Open LinkPreservings, the journal of the Plett Foundation, is published twice a year, in spring and winter. Its mission is to inform our readers about the history of the Mennonites who…
Open LinkThis series has been developed to be an excellent addition to existing social studies curricula in Canada for both public and private schools with Low German Mennonite students. The books…
Open LinkThe Journal of Mennonite Studies is a Canadian peer-reviewed interdisciplinary journal dealing with Mennonite society, culture, and religion in the past and present. It is published twice a year by the Chair in…
Open LinkA list of English phrases with Low German translations, ideal for use in educational settings.
Open FileRather than compromise their way of life, Mennonites have continually been forced to migrate around the world to maintain their freedom to live as they choose. Towell photographed Mennonites in…
Open LinkIn the 1920s, the Mexican government granted land in three different states to a handful of Mennonite groups fleeing religious persecution in Europe. These isolated agricultural communities still exist today,…
This resource includes the text of a speech written by William Janzen, former MCC program director for the MCC Ottawa Office, delivered during the centennial celebrations in 2022, marking the…
Open FileThis video, presented in Low German explores the importance of personal and financial Cards in Canada, explaining to your clients their uses, how to protect them and why it is…
This video, presented in Low German explores the importance of personal and financial Cards in Canada, explaining to your clients their uses, how to protect them and why it is…
In the 1870s, approximately 18,000 Mennonites migrated from the southern steppes of Imperial Russia (present-day Ukraine) to the North American grasslands. They brought with them an array of cultural and…
Open LinkThis English-language video provides valuable insights for service providers on the immigration challenges faced by the Low German-speaking Mennonite population.
CONFORM tells the fascinating story of the nearly 8,000 Mennonites who left Manitoba and Saskatchewan for northern Mexico in the 1920s, in the largest mass emigration in Canada’s history. Convinced…