Working with Low German Speaking Mennonites: A Guide for Service Providers

The purpose of this guide is to provide service providers with information and cultural and historical context about Low German Speaking (LGS) Mennonites in southwestern Ontario. It also includes recommendations…

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Social Exclusion as an Individual Kind: A Categorical Point of View

The purpose of this theoretical study is to call into question the popular and largely uncontested ideas of social inclusion and exclusion. In this paper, Luann Good Gingrich examines the…

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Theorizing Social Exclusion: Determinants, Mechanisms, Dimensions, Forms, and Acts of Resistance

(L.G. Gingrich). Chapter 1 in Emerging  Perspectives on Anti-Oppressive Practice (Wes Shera, editor). Available for order online.

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Social Work and Kanadier Mennonites: Challenges and Rewards

This report provides some insight and knowledge into the Kanadier Mennonites, a religious group in Alberta, Canada, for whom very little is known in regard to their health seeking behaviors….

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